
Rancho santa margarita city ordinace delivery marijuana
Rancho santa margarita city ordinace delivery marijuana

rancho santa margarita city ordinace delivery marijuana

Who should I call for parking control on public streets? Please contact Police Services non-emergency number at 94. Who do I call if there is an abandoned vehicle on the street? Please contact Mission Viejo Animal Services at (949) 470-3045. Please contact the appropriate association to confirm their regulations for temporary signage. Please note that homeowners association or commercial maintenance association regulations may contain additional restrictions on temporary signage. Signs may only be placed on a property with the property owner's permission. Garage sale signs shall be removed on or immediately following the date of the event. Open house signs may be displayed between 8 a.m. Signs cannot be taller than 4 feet in height. Signs cannot exceed a total of 4 square feet. For additional information on the City's Zoning Ordinance, please contact the City's Development Services Department at 94, ext.


The Zoning Code (including the most current Zoning Code Amendments) is best accessed through Title 9 of the City's Municipal Code. However, signs must comply with the following requirements: The Zoning Ordinance went into effect on May 11, 2007. Sign permits are not required for open house or garage sale signs. What are the City's regulations on temporary signs (e.g., open house and garage sales)? Additionally, construction noise on federal holidays must comply with the City's Noise Ordinance. Construction work outside of these times must comply with the City's Noise Ordinance. Noise from construction work is exempt from the City's Noise Ordinance between 7 a.m. Is noise from construction work restricted to particular hours of the day? Please contact the City's 24-hour Complaint Hotline at 94, ext. How do I report water quality violations or a sprinkler system running and water draining into the City's gutter? on bench at park, on side of wall, and end of what street.) 4. Please specify the exact location of the graffiti (i.e. Please report graffiti to the City's Graffiti Hotline at 94. Please contact the Development Services Department at 94 圆704 for further information. However, garages can be converted into Accessory Dwelling Units subject to compliance with RSMZC Section 9.04.190 and approval by the Development Services Department and approval of a Building Permit. Garages are to be used for the temporary storage of vehicles. Can a garage be used for a dwelling area?Ĭonversion of a garage into a sleeping room is not permitted. There are circumstances when there is a compelling reason to not disclose certain information.

rancho santa margarita city ordinace delivery marijuana

However, the City would be required to disclose certain information on a code enforcement complaint if requested through a Public Records Act Request or through discovery during litigation. The City makes every attempt to keep code enforcement complaints confidential. Are code enforcement complaints kept confidential?

Rancho santa margarita city ordinace delivery marijuana